
Did Megan Fox Cheat on Brian Austin Green with Shia LaBeouf?


Even Steven said in a pretty candid interview with Details Magazine that he and his vapid but hot Transformer co-star had mad chemistry and spent time together while shooting the blockbusters.

When asked specifically about any sort of hook up between LaBeouf and Fox, he said, "Look, you're on the set for six months, with someone who's rooting to be attracted to you, and you're rooting to be attracted to them.  I never understood the separation of work and life in that situation.  But the time I spent with Megan was our own thing, and I think you can see the chemistry onscreen."

Hmmm, not sure I buy that there was any sort of hook up - have you SEEN David Silver???  He's a bit of a doucher but day-um - Caliente!  Anyways, a hook up would mean that she cheated on the aforementioned doucher with LaBeouf (she's now married to Green).

When the reporter asked LaBeouf directly if Fox cheated on Green, he said, "I don't know, man.  I don't know.  I don't know.  I don't know…It was what it was."  It was what it was?  Just cut the shit, man!  The world just wants to know if you banged her or not and if you did indeed bang her, if David Silver took any part in and/or videotape any sexy time?  Cough it up, bitch!     

And by the way, this is neither here nor there but what the eff is going on with MegaFox's face situation???  Yeesh, lay off the botox, dude!  You're like 20 or some shit!  You're going to end up looking like Tori Spelling *shudders*...and even though David Silver tapped that ass, I don't think that Brian Austin Green wants to. 

Fox's camp has not commented as of yet.

Image Via www.jesuisbelle.com

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